Source code for cubes.piws.views.longitudinal_views

# NSAp - Copyright (C) CEA, 2013
# Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license, as published by
# the CEA-CNRS-INRIA. Refer to the LICENSE file or to
# for details.

# System import
import json

# Cubicweb import
from cubicweb.view import View

[docs]class QuestionnaireLongitudinalView(View): """ Create a view that summarized the longitudinal material for a subject. """ __regid__ = "questionnaire-longitudinal-measures" title = _("Longitudinal") paginable = False div_id = "questionnaire-longitudinal-measures"
[docs] def call(self, rset=None, patient_id="", **kwargs): """ Method that will create the subject longitudinal views. If no resultset are passed to this method, the current resultset is used. Only digits answers are considered. Parameters ---------- rset: resultset (optional, default None) a cw resultset patient_id: string (optional, default None) the patient identifier. """ # Get the cw resultset rset = rset or self.cw_rset # Get the method parameters: if we use 'build_url' method, the data # are in the firm dictionary patient_id = patient_id or self._cw.form.get("patient_id", "") # Add some js resources self._cw.add_js( ("highcharts-4.0.4/js/highcharts.js", "highcharts-4.0.4/js/modules/exporting.js") ) # Get the data from the result set questionnaires = {} for line_number in range(rset.rowcount): # Get the questionnaire run entity qr_entity = rset.get_entity(line_number, 0) # Get the questionnaire run timepoint timepoint = qr_entity.in_assessment[0].timepoint # Get the associated questionnaire/questions q_entity = qr_entity.questionnaire[0] if not in questionnaires: questionnaires[] = dict( (entity.text, {}) for entity in q_entity.questions) # Get the questionnaire run associated answers and fill the # 'questionnaires' structure # > case 1: one line of answers inserted per subject (File) # > case 2: the answers are inserted in the database (OpenAnswer). if len(qr_entity.file) > 0: answers = json.loads(qr_entity.file[0].data.getvalue()) for qname, answer in answers.items(): questionnaires[][qname][timepoint] = str( answer) else: answer_entities = qr_entity.open_answers for entity in answer_entities: questionnaires[][entity.question[0].text][ timepoint] = entity.value # Create a selector html = "<h1>Longitudinal scores follow up</h1>" html += "<hr>" html += ("<h2>Please select a measure to follow accross the " "timepoints in this list:</h2>") html += "<select class='selectpicker' data-live-search='true'>" html += "<option></option>" for questionnaire_name, questions in questionnaires.iteritems(): html += "<optgroup label='{0}' data-icon='glyphicon-heart'>".format( questionnaire_name) for question_name, question_item in questions.iteritems(): # Get the plot data data = sorted(question_item.items()) values = [p[1] for p in data] if len(values) == 0: continue # Check if we are dealing with numbers control_value = values[0].replace(".", "", 1) if control_value.isdigit(): html += "<option value='{0}'>{0}</option>".format( question_name) html += "</optgroup>" html += "</select>" # Ceate a div to display the plots html += ("<div id='longitudinal-plot' style='min-width: 310px; " "height: 400px; max-width: 600px; margin: 0 auto'></div>") # Convert the input data html += "<script type='text/javascript'>" html += "var jdata = {};" for q_name, q_item in questionnaires.iteritems(): for question_name, question_item in q_item.iteritems(): # Get the plot data data = sorted(question_item.items()) values = [p[1] for p in data] if len(values) == 0: continue # Check if we are dealing with numbers control_value = values[0].replace(".", "", 1) if control_value.isdigit(): html += "var sdata = {};" html += "sdata['x'] = [];".format(question_name) html += "sdata['grid'] = [];".format(question_name) html += "sdata['related_question'] = '{0}';".format(question_name) html += "sdata['related_questionnaire'] = '{0}';".format(q_name) for p in data: html += "sdata['x'].push('{0}');".format(p[0]) html += "sdata['grid'].push({0});".format(p[1]) html += "jdata['{0}'] = sdata;".format(question_name) # Add an event when the selection change html += "$(function() {" html += "$('.selectpicker').on('change', function(){" html += "var selected = $(this).find('option:selected').val();" html += "if (selected != ''){" html += "$('#longitudinal-plot').highcharts({" html += "credits : {enabled : false}, " html += ("title: {{text: jdata[selected]['related_questionnaire'] + " "'-' + jdata[selected]['related_question'] + " "': {0}'}},".format(patient_id)) html += "xAxis: {categories: jdata[selected]['x']}," html += "yAxis: {title: {text: ''}}," html += "legend: {layout: 'vertical', align: 'right', verticalAlign:" html += "'middle', borderWidth: 0}," html += "series: [{name: 'longitudinal', data: jdata[selected]['grid']}]" html += "});" html += "}" html += "});" html += "});" html += "</script>" # Display the page content self.w(unicode(html))