
class cubes.piws.views.highcharts_views.HighChartsRelationSummaryView(req=None, rset=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a basic table view that summarized an entity relation.

__init__(req=None, rset=None, **kwargs)


__init__([req, rset])
call([relations, subject_attr, object_attr, ...]) Method that will create a table view from a cw resultset.
cell_call(row, col, **kwargs) the view is called for a particular result set cell
critical(msg, *args, **kwargs) Log ‘msg % args’ with severity ‘CRITICAL’.
cw_propval(propid) return cw property value associated to key
debug(msg, *args, **kwargs) Log ‘msg % args’ with severity ‘DEBUG’.
error(msg, *args, **kwargs) Log ‘msg % args’ with severity ‘ERROR’.
exception(msg, *args, **kwargs) Convenience method for logging an ERROR with exception information.
field(label, value[, row, show_label, w, ...]) read-only field
html_headers() return a list of html headers (eg something to be inserted between
info(msg, *args, **kwargs) Log ‘msg % args’ with severity ‘INFO’.
last_modified() return the date/time where this view should be considered as
linkable() return True if the view may be linked in a menu
page_title() returns a title according to the result set - used for the
render([w]) called to render a view object for a result set.
rset_to_data(rset, relations, subject_attr, ...) Method that format the rset parameters for highcharts table view.
set_request_content_type() set the content type returned by this view
tal_render(template, variables) render a precompiled page template with variables in the given
url() return the url associated with this view. Should not be
warning(msg, *args, **kwargs) Log ‘msg % args’ with severity ‘WARNING’.
wdata(data) simple helper that escapes data and writes into self.w
wview(_View__vid[, rset, _View__fallback_vid]) shortcut to self.view method automatically passing self.w as argument


__module__ = 'cubes.piws.views.highcharts_views'
__regid__ = 'highcharts-relation-summary-view'
call(relations=None, subject_attr=None, object_attr=None, rset=None, title='', **kwargs)[source]

Method that will create a table view from a cw resultset.

If no resultset are passed to this method, the current resultset is used.


relations: list of str (optional, default None) :

the relations to follow.

subject_attr: str (optional, default None) :

the subject attribute that will be used to create the table columns.

object_attr: str (optional, default None) :

the object attribute that will be used to create the table lines.

rset: resultset (optional, default None) :

a cw resultset

title: string (optional, default None) :

the name of the chart.

div_id = 'highcharts-relation-summary-view'
paginable = False
rset_to_data(rset, relations, subject_attr, object_attr)[source]

Method that format the rset parameters for highcharts table view.

We only consider the first entity of each resultset row to construct the highcharts formated parameters. The object entities are related to the subject entities with the ‘relation’ link. The columns correspond to the subject entity ‘subject_attr’ attributes. The lines corresspond to the object entity ‘object_attr’ attributes.


rset: resultset (mandatory) :

a cw resultset

relations: list of str (mandatory) :

the relations to follow.

subject_attr: str (mandatory) :

the subject attribute.

object_attr: str (mandatory) :

the object attribute.


fdata: dict :

the highcharts formated parameters: ‘x’ contains the x labels, ‘y’ contains the y labels and ‘grid’ the table values and positions. If -1 is returned, this mean that no data can be displayed.

title = u'HighCharts'