Source code for cwbrowser.configure
# NSAp - Copyright (C) CEA, 2013 - 2018
# Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license, as published by
# the CEA-CNRS-INRIA. Refer to the LICENSE file or to
# for details.
This module checks that all the dependencies are installed properly.
# System import
import importlib
import distutils
# Package import
from .info import __version__
from .info import REQUIRES
from .info import LICENSE
from .info import AUTHOR
from .utils import logo
def _check_python_versions():
""" Check that all the Python dependencies are satisfied.
A dependency is expected to be formatted as follows:
versions: dict with 2-uplet
the minimum required version and the installed version for each module.
'?' means no package found.
versions = {}
for dependency in REQUIRES:
if ">=" not in dependency:
raise ValueError("'{0}' dependency no formatted correctly.".format(
mod_name, mod_min_version = dependency.split(">=")
mod_install_version = importlib.import_module(mod_name).__version__
mod_install_version = "?"
versions[mod_name] = (mod_min_version, mod_install_version)
return versions
[docs]def info():
""" Dispaly some usefull information about the package.
info: str
package information.
dependencies = "Dependencies: \n"
dependencies_info = _check_python_versions()
for name, (min_version, install_version) in dependencies_info.items():
dependencies += "{0:10s}: {1:9s} - required | {2:9s} installed".format(
name, min_version, install_version)
dependencies += "\n"
version = "Package version: {0}\n".format(__version__)
license = "License: {0}\n".format(LICENSE)
authors = "Author: {0}\n\n".format(AUTHOR)
return logo() + "\n\n" + version + license + authors + dependencies