Rql Download


  • Add capability to supply a saved rset via an sftp server.
  • Propose a tool the send RQL request via a Python script.


This cube provides an action button which shows up if current rset is adaptable in IFSetAdapter or IEntityAdapter (adpaters also provided by this cube). This button creates a CWSearch entity to store filepath computed by the adapter from the entities in result set.

Then another process (that can be started automatically by Cubicweb) can retrieve these CWSearch entities and show the stored filepaths via sftp protocol and twisted server. The authentication in this process is delegated to Cubicweb.

Another strategy consists of Fuse virtual folders’s creation to retrieve these CWSearch entities and show the stored filepaths. After some system administration, such virtual folders can be accessed through a classical server SFTP service. The authentication in this case is delegated to the system.

Finally, a Python module is proposed to script the RQL requests.