
CICLOPS: Research topic


Beyond the signal of 1H2O, in vivo NMR of 1H and low gyromagnetic nuclei (13C, 2H, 7Li, 31P and 23Na) are unique tools to non-invasively investigate brain metabolites of interest for biochemistry, physiology and pharmacology, in normal or pathological conditions. My aim is to advance the methods necessary to detect, image and quantify those meaningful signals at ultra-high magnetic fields (7, 11.7 & 17 T) with unprecedented sensitivity and spatial specificity.The goal isto establish robust and efficient 1H MRS and X-MRI protocols to be incorporated within multimodal studies of psychiatric and neurologic diseases in patients as well as in animal models.

MIDAS: Research topic


The blood-brain barrier (BBB) remains the bottleneck for pharmacological therapy of neurological diseases, costing billionsto our societies.The goal of our team isto provide new solutionsto deliver drugsto the brain in a safe way in order to increase their efficacy on the target.Transcranial focused ultrasound isa particularly promising technique to transiently and locally disrupt thisvascular barrier. Since 2010,we use neuroimaging to characterize the technology and to develop translational strategies. We now aim at making it a reality for the highest possible number of patients in the future years.

NEUROPHYSICS: Research topic


The Neurophysics team develops and applies novel (f)MRI contrasts at high and ultra-high magnetic field




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The “Small animal MRI systems” platform includes three active 7T, 11.7T and 17.2 MRI scanners provided by the Bruker BioSpin company, mainly dedicated to rodents and small animals imaging.



The histology platform consists in a technical facility dedicated to the histopathological analysis of animal models currently under investigation in several preclinical projects. On the other hand, the cell culture platform consists in a technical facility dedicated to the preparation of specific tumor cell lines that are required to induce animal models currently under investigation in several preclinical projects.